Favorite Friday: Five Fabulous Blogs

Today I would like to share five of my favorite blogs with you. There are so many blogs out there and with all life holds I find I only have time to seriously follow a few. I thoroughly enjoy each these blogs because they inspire, encourage, strengthen, instruct, edify or simply make me think about something in a new way. Hope you'll enjoy!  

Getting Down with Jesus: A wonderful blog, or should I say devotional. Always touches my soul.



Love Feast Table: A dear friend of mine is co-creator of Love Feast Table where "This virtual table has given us an opportunity to share things we love, savor feasts with old friends and new and experience a beautiful life around our tables."


Relz Reviewz: Where I get the most up-to-date information about Christian Fiction. Reviews, interviews, and character spotlights. Fabulously fun and informative site.



Jody Hedlund: If you've ever wondered what the writing life is all about, this is the site for you. Jody shares everything from marketing and publicity, to loving your readers. She is real and straightforward and I so enjoy her blog.


What I Learned Today: Author Billy Coffey's blog. This is a recent find, but I love it. Very engaging and thought-provoking.



Happy Reading!

Dani Pettrey4 Comments