Monday Morning Cuppa But on a Tuesday

For those of you who have seen the Lego Movie, you'll appreciate that line. For those who haven't, I highly recommend it. It's adorable and it's got the catchiest song--one that will lodge permanently in your brain, causing you to sing out every time someone utters the word 'awesome.' Fair warning :) As you can see, I clearly did not have my needed allotment of coffee yesterday.


Hope you'll forgive the day's lag. I blame it on lack of adequate coffee and the fact that it was Monday.

I always find it so interesting how God will share something with me in multiple ways. I think it's because I can be a distracted or possibly a slow learner (just being honest, folks). Or it could be because He's really trying to drive home a point. Lately that lesson has been on Strength in Weakness. If you're so inclined, there's a great sermon series on Truth for Life entitled just that--Strength in Weakness. But this podcast series I've been listening to isn't the first time God has brought this concept to my attention. A few months ago while searching for a new Bible study, I came across one entitled Gideon: Your weakness. God's strength. by Priscilla Shirer and I was intrigued. In today's society we are so condition and barraged with the need to be self-sufficient, to be strong and to be capable. In the Bible, particularly in the story of Gideon (Judges Chapters 6-8), we are presented with a different story, a different calling.



To which, God replied: "...I will be with you..." God promised that even though Gideon was the weakest man from the weakest clan, God would be with him and He would provide the victory.

Are you feeling weak today? Rejoice. God uses the weak to shame the strong. He is the One who gives us the grace we need. He is with us and He provides the victory.

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