Monday Cuppa - Mother's Day Reflections
Happy Monday, friends!
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. My family and I spent it at our eldest daughter's and her hubby's house, enjoying lunch, laughter and the little ones. How'd you spend your day?
Mother's Day can be wonderful, but it can also be hard. While I had a fabulous time with my family, I couldn't help but think about my own Mom who went home to be with the Lord five years ago, and her mother just shortly after. Both of these women deeply shaped my life and I'm so grateful.
How about you? Who in your life has left the biggest imprint?
It's so important to me for my grandkids to know about my mom and my grandma, so I share stories about them. My daughters and I reminisce about the funny things they did and the years of good memories. The greatest way to let someone live on in your life is to tell their stories. All of our lives are a journey made up of stories, and telling them keeps the journey going, it allows their legacy to live on. So, embrace the journey and keep telling the stories.