Monday Cuppa Moment 9/21

Happy Monday, friends! ebe993db2a0d9db86a47acec5669ca43

I hope you are enjoying the many benefits of coffee this morning.

I just returned from the American Christian Fiction Writer's conference.

What happens at a writer's conference?

I got to see friends:

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Met with my editor, agent (who I cannot believe I did not get a picture with), and marketing director:


Attended yummy meals:


And taught a workshop with fellow Bethany House author and good friend Becky Wade:



You may never attend a writer's conference, but here are my Top 7 Tips for attending any conference:

  • Start your day with Jesus. Begin your day reading God's Word. It'll help get you off to the right start and in the right frame of mind. Spend time in prayer. Ask your Father to bless your day.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. You'll be on your feet a lot.
  • Pace yourself. It's okay and important to take breaks.
  • Hydrate. Conference hotels and convention centers are notorious for being dry. Drink lots of water.
  • Step out of your comfort zone. Greet new people. They may be as nervous as you.
  • Pamper yourself a little. Buy a new outfit or piece of jewelry for the conference, get a mani/pedi or paint your nails a fun color, bring your favorite jammies, etc. Do something that makes you feel comfortable and renewed.
  • Focus on being a blessing to others. Instead of worrying about what you are going to do, focus on helping others. Looking for the person sitting alone in the corner and join them. Be the smiling face people see when they walk passed you. You will come away full of joy and maybe even with a new friend.

What are your favorite conference (women's groups, business conventions, writer's conferences) tips?


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