Monday Cuppa--Help!

Dani Pettrey Monday Cuppa MondayCuppad1bbbc2591adc710ea0996222b285e9d

Happy Monday, friends!

I bet upon seeing the title a lot of you thought that I may have run out of caffeinated coffee.  No worries, plenty of caffeine here. In fact, what I could use is your help.

As many of you know, I'll be teaching two workshops next week at the ACFW conference in Nashville. (Thanks for all the Nashville recommendations, by the way. I really appreciate it!) I have a few questions that I would love your feedback on.

I'll be teaching one workshop on voice. This can be a tough topic which is often misunderstood. I'd love to know -

Without seeing the cover, which authors you could identify

just by reading the first page of their book ?

I'll also be co-teaching a workshop on the joy-stealers that writers face, one of the biggest being stress. It's something we all face. I'd love to know -

What you do to unwind?

Do you exercise? Soak in a bubble bath? I would love some feedback and ideas.

Everyone who shares feedback for either workshop question above will automatically be entered to win a Starbucks gift card and an autographed copy of Cold Shot. Coffee and books just belong together, right?


Cold Shot

Thanks, everyone. I can't wait to hear your responses. I hope your week is off to a great start.


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