Monday Cuppa--Happy Thanksgiving Recipe

Monday-Cuppa-Header Happy Monday, friends!

I hope today finds you well. We're dealing with a new cold front and I'm making sure my coffee stays extra warm with my desk warmer (fabulous invention, by the way). But look at this fun recipe that keeps your homemade latte warm as long as you'd like. It'd make a great Thanksgiving drink to have on hand.


It's so hard to believe  Thanksgiving is only days away. Are you ready for it? Thankfully I'm not hosting this year so I have to do is bring a side dish. I think I'll bring one of my favorite recipes below. Hope you enjoy it too!


I'll be taking off Thanksgiving through Sunday to enjoy the holiday with my family. We have a tradition of putting up our Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving, and we spend the weekend hiking and relaxing. I pray your Thanksgiving is full of love, family, and grateful hearts. And, I'll look forward to seeing you next Monday. Until then, how do you spend your Thanksgiving weekend? Any Black Friday shoppers out there?
