Monday Cuppa--Deadline, Babies, and Groovy Giveaways....oh my!

Monday-Cuppa-Header Happy Monday and Happy Halloween, friends!


Hope your Halloween is filled with yummy pumpkin coffee.

It's been an exciting week for our family. Our second grandson, affectionately referred to as Little Dude, was born 5 weeks early. I'm thinking he was just wanting to be around for all the Halloween candy ;P Thankfully, he and mom are home and doing awesome. I'm so grateful.


Also, this week is my deadline for book 3 of the Chesapeake Valor series. Today in fact. Despite everything going on (won't bore you with the crazy list) God equipped me to get my book written and turned in on time. Woo-hoo! Now to wait and hear my editors' feedback. Talk about scary :O


And, for one more bit of excitement...I'm announcing the winner of my Shadowed's Super Groovy 70's Giveaway. Congratulations, Stephanie Allen! Please email your mailing address to so I can get your fun and funky prizes in the mail to you.



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