Monday Cuppa-Author Spotlight & Giveaway

Monday-Cuppa-and-Writerly-Wednesday-Template Happy Monday, friends!

Answer is Coffee


Speaking of coffee....I don't know if you had a chance to read my friend, Jaime Jo Wright's, Writerly Wednesday post, but Jaime is a fellow coffee lover and she's got a new book coming out with my publisher. I'm so excited for her that I wanted to share a bit about it with you all. And, in the spirit of our Monday Cuppa coffee love, Jaime has graciously offered to give away a delicious bag of coffee along with an advanced copy of The House on Foster Hill when the ARCS become available.

To enter, just leave a response to the question at the end of the post.

The House On Foster Hill

By, Jaime Jo Wright

Publisher: Bethany House Publishers, a Division of Baker Books Release Date: December, 2017


 An antiquated house hides stories buried behind forgotten walls. But will two women, linked across time, discover hope, or will the grave prove it has the final say?


In 1906, Ivy Thorpe and her rival, Joel Cunningham, must answer the question, who is the dead woman found at Foster Hill House in order to save a missing baby. A century later, Ivy’s great-great granddaughter takes refuge at Foster Hill, but unsolved secrets might destroy Kaine Prescott‘s hope and a chance at love.


Doesn't that sound intriguing?



Professional coffee drinker & ECPA/Publisher's Weekly best-selling author, Jaime Jo Wright resides in the hills of Wisconsin writing spirited romantic suspense stained with the shadows of history. Coffee fuels her snarky personality. She lives in Neverland with her Cap’n Hook who stole her heart and will not give it back, their little fairy Tinkerbell, and a very mischievous Peter Pan. The foursome embark on scores of adventure that only make her fall more wildly in love with romance and intrigue.

Jaime lives in dreamland, exists in reality, and invites you to join her adventures at


Your question, should you choose to accept it is: What is your favorite suspense/mystery movie? I'm in need of some good recommendations.

Have a blessed, coffee-filled Monday,

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